The king's daughter is all glorious within.
Psalms 45:13
This website is designed to equip you with the Biblical truths found in God's Word that enable a Christian woman to live in victory through the power of the Holy Spirit and to become all that
God has created you to be!

Our Vision
Our vision is to share with all women how much they are loved by God and how salvation comes from a loving Heavenly Father. We desire for women to hear the Gospel and come to know Jesus Christ as personal Saviour and then to get connected in a local church for growth, fellowship and service. We want ladies to learn how to walk with God and live by faith "for such a time as this." We desire for women to draw from the unconditional love of Christ to love their families, for wives to guide their homes, and for each of us to help others to do the same.
Our Mission
Our mission is to help women grow spiritually and become fruitful so God can receive the
glory and people will be brought to Jesus.
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Featured Video
Please watch an amazing video about
how all the great stories of the Bible connect
to Jesus and what that means for us today.
*Video Used By Permission*